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Visualization and Simulation


Decision -- Science Applications, Inc.

The TAC BRAWLER model is a comprehensive computer simulation tool thatprovides a detailed representation of air-to-air combat involvingmultiple flights of aircraft in both the Visual and Beyond-Visual Range(BVR) arenas. In such engagements, cooperative tactics and human factorssuch as surprise, confusion, and limited situation awareness play acritical role in determining combat outcomes. Accordingly, specialemphasis has been placed on carefully simulating these aspects of theengagement process. In addition, a high level of detail is achieved inthe hardware models, including those of aircraft aerodynamics, missiles,guns, expendables, radars, missile launch warning devices, radar warningreceivers, IRST, IFF and NCID. Electronic countermeasures versus radars,missiles, and communications are also handled. Hardware models arelargely data-driven, and databases describing most current generation USand threat systems for air-to-air engagements are available. The modularnature of the TAC BRAWLER model facilitates the incorporation of newhardware models at various levels of fidelity.TAC BRAWLER is used in much the same way as one would use a combatexercise or flight test. Each run of TAC BRAWLER simulates a singlemultiple aircraft engagement. Just as a succession of trials in a fieldexercise will produce very different outcomes, repeated runs of TACBRAWLER (using different random number sequences), will produce verydifferent engagements. Thus, TAC BRAWLER users normally generatemultiple replications of a mission in order to fully explore the set ofpossible outcomes. Analysis is facilitated by interactive graphics thatpermit displays of engagements from many perspectives, and by a reportgenerator that produces statistical analyses of ensembles of engagements.In cases where it has been possible to compare TAC BRAWLER with fieldexercises or man-in-the-loop simulations, the statistical distribution ofoutcomes produced by the model have been quite close to those producedusing human pilots.Typical applications of TAC BRAWLER include hardware design tradeoffstudies for airframes, avionics and weapons systems, and tacticsdevelopment. The emphasis is on hardware effectiveness in a realisticmission context. For example, a proposed radar system might have anincreased field-of-regard. TAC BRAWLER could determine the degree towhich this improvement enhances the ability to perform a specificmission. Recent TAC BRAWLER use has included tradeoff studies relating tothe AMRAAM, and design studies for both the ATF program and for advancedavionics programs such as INEWS. TAC BRAWLER has been embedded as anintelligent target generator in several manned simulator facilities,where it enhances the ability to simulate large engagements.TAC BRAWLER has been under continuous development since 1976. Developedat Decision-Science Applications, Inc., under the sponsorship of the USAFStudies and Analyses Agency, it has spread to several dozen sites withinthe Air Force, Navy and industry. Current model enhancements, funded bya variety of sponsors, include improvements emphasizing ECM and IRCM, theaddition of certain avionics devices, the inclusion of advancedaerodynamics capabilities, and improvements to the pilot decision modelfor higher fidelity within-visual-range-combat.

Language: C, FORTRAN
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: FORTRAN, C, X Window System
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0

Decision -- Science Applications, Inc.
1110 N Glebe Rd Suite 400
Arlington, VA 22201
Phone: (703) 243-2500
Fax: (703) 875-9231